How to Auto Mute on Zoom Calls

How to Auto Mute on Zoom Calls

As a meeting participant, you can choose to mute your microphone by default when joining a meeting by enabling Mute my microphone when joining a meeting. Once this setting is enabled, your microphone is automatically disabled/muted upon joining each meeting, and you must manually enable audio to unmute. Prerequisites for automatically muting your microphone when…

How to Prepare for Your First Strategic Real Estate Coaching Call
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How to Prepare for Your First Strategic Real Estate Coaching Call

When you have completed reading this essay, you will know how to prepare for your first “Strategic Coaching” call. The strategic coaching call is used to set a baseline for where you are at the beginning of your coaching journey and establish what your business productivity will look like shortly. Having this information, you will…

Coaches! 2 ways you can tap into the superpower of activity tracking

Coaches! 2 ways you can tap into the superpower of activity tracking

Remove any doubts about your clients’ progress All of our clients that come to coaching do so intending to make a change in their life or business. They have become fed up with life as usual and are now sitting down in front of you. They want to get unstuck. Unfortunately the daily routine of…