woman taking notes

How to Set Up GoodNotes 5 for Service Real Estate Sales & Brokerage

Simple organization for note collection and activity tracking using GoodNotes 5 It finally happened, my wife asked for my help to go paperless using her iPad. As service professionals, we have lots of paper and notes flying around us everyday. We have conversations that bounce randomly from topic to topic. For the past 4 years…

Two people in a meeting
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How to Prepare for Your First Strategic Real Estate Coaching Call

When you have completed reading this essay, you will know how to prepare for your first “Strategic Coaching” call. The strategic coaching call is used to set a baseline for where you are at the beginning of your coaching journey and establish what your business productivity will look like shortly. Having this information, you will…

conflict in meeting

How can you remove a tenant with as little drama in the least amount of time?

In the state of Michigan, you will only need to give a 30-day notice to quit. To confirm the process where your property is located, go to the local government website. Once you are there, explore the menu of services, looking for anything that uses the words housing. If you can’t find the word housing,…