business meeting

You’re paying for it… get the most from your coaching engagement

When I get a new coaching client, they almost never come to coaching to become a better person. They are looking to improve measurable results within their business.

My Real Estate coaching clients are looking for three things to move their business to the next level.

  • Improved net income (Greater Profit)
  • Reduce direct time investment (Create Leverage)
  • Less stress, drama and surprises. (Less Friction)

But to make those things happen requires they do more than just make a financial investment (signing a coaching contract). To really get the most out of coaching, they need to make the ultimate investment…. TIME!

My most successful coaching clients turn out to be the people that lean into the process by spending their time doing the four things that I will be sharing with you today.

#1 Listen

#2 Be Curious

#3 Tune in to your intuition

#4 Take Action

#1 Listen beyond what is going on immediately in front of you

There are multiple levels of listening. There is listing to yourself. That inner dialogue that is judge things as either good or bad based on just your current reflexive perspective. There is listening to yourself more intentionally noticing where your attention is at. Are you talking about problems and things outside your control. Or do you hear yourself exploring the actions that can be taken to move your toward your desired outcome.

#2 Be curious at a deeper level

When you are with your coach. This is an opportunity to explore your business through all of your senses. Real Estate is a place of doing. It requires your to bring your whole self. And because you are bringing all of you to the business. Everything that could be done can be explored through all of your sensing tools (Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth, Touch, and lastly your gut).

#3 Tune into your intuition

The path to creating what you want from your coaching engagement will require you take some calculated risk. Real success will come from experimentation. Your only chance to create transformation in your business will come from giving new approaches to doing the business a chance.

#4 Be action oriented, what can you do in-between coaching calls

The Real Estate Sales business only responds to action. The coaching call only happens weekly or bi-weekly (depends on what was agreed upon). The real work happens in-between coaching calls. Come up with 1 to 3 key action items that you will do immediately after your coaching call.

If you follow these four steps, I promise you will feel like your decision to hire a coach was worth every penny. Transformation comes through action.

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